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HRVS-TX 中压浪涌电流限制器

中压浪涌电流限制器 HRVS-TX 也叫变压器软起动器, 能够消除由大的电磁涌流引起的麻烦的跳闸同时避免对变压器绕组的损害。
中压浪涌电流限制器 HRVS-TX 的独特解决方案可以限制中压变压器所产生的电磁涌流。 控制器TSR中的专业算法确保完全消除大电磁涌流以及对变压器绕组和电气线路的动态冲击。



  • TSR-6 控制和保护继电器;

  • 重载设计,环境温度达 60°C;

  • 完善的保护包;

  • 通讯:Modbus, Profibus, Devicenet;

  • 用户友好,易于设置和操作;

  • 先进的电子式电压互感器 EPT;

  • 故障显示,各相分别显示;

  • 频率在40-70Hz波动的不稳定系统。



  • IEC 62271-200 High Voltage switchgear and control gear.

  • IEC 60061-1 High Voltage test techniques,General definitions and test requirements.

  • IEC 60694 Common specifications for high voltage switchgear and control gear standard.

  • IEC 71-1 Insulation co- ordination

  • IEC 71-2 Insulation co- ordination.

  • EN 50178:1998 Electronic equipment for use in power installation.

  • IEC 664 Insulated coordination within low- voltage systems and including clearances and creepage distances for equipment.

  • IEC 60470, UL 347 Vacuum contactors.

  • IEC 282-1 Vacuum contactors

  • DIN 46234 Cable lugs

  • DIN 0472+IEC 754 Medium voltage cables

  • EN 61000-6-2 / 4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)- Immunity/(EMC)- Emission

  • EEC/72/23 Electrical safety-Council Directive



  • 标准变压器  Standard: Oil, Dry, Molded, etc.

  • 特种变压器  Special: Multi-pole and phase shifting

  • 范围  Ratings: Maximum Ratings 30MVA, 15kV

  • 温度范围 Temperature: Operating -10° to 60°C; Storage -20° to 70°C

  • 电气安全委员会指引  Electrical safety-Council Directive (EC)

  • 电话:0755-25856926
  • 邮箱:szqnhc@163.com
  • 地址:广东省深圳市罗湖区凤凰路193号海珑华苑海阔阁18B